This should be released today by the Magic Lantern folks. This teaser was shot with the T3i, but the Unified build will surely make it work for T2i and others too.
Magic Lantern HDR Video X-MAS teaser from Bart@RedKiteMedia on Vimeo.
Since my last post, I have since updated to the 11-11-11 Unified Build. Unified meaning, it is the same install package not just for T2i, but for T1i, T3i, 60D, and 50D. Yes, 50D does not shoot video, but from the wizards behind Magic Lantern, I'm pretty sure it will shoot video soon.
Major changes I like so far with the 11-11-11 build:
- Boot and install straight from the card as an update.
- Improved timelapse photo mode, 422jpeg files no longer there, quality was poor then
- Format the card in the camera without losing the Magic Lantern install
If you have not installed this free upgrade to your camera yet, go here:
Magic Lantern